
PRoP 2
PRoP 1
PRoP 0







Blimp Images

Below are some images of the blimp tele-robot.  Blimps flew from 1994 until about 1998 in our lab.  Although I have stopped working on them I do hope to someway return when technology is even smaller (and more importantly, lighter).

mmadeo1.jpg (189635 bytes)
Jan 1996
mmadeo2.jpg (877399 bytes)
Jan 1996
eric1.jpg (18908 bytes)
Jan 1996
blimp1.03.jpg (21096 bytes)
Red Blimp

"first blimp 1995-6"
blimp1.02.jpg (12621 bytes)
Red Blimp
blimp1.01.gif (13247 bytes)
Red Blimp
ars97.jpg (17998 bytes)
EyeBall Blimp at
Ars Electronica 1997
ars97b1.jpg (135270 bytes)
EyeBall Blimp at

Ars Electronica 1997
blimp3.01.jpg (106192 bytes)
Silver Blimp
vp_blimp300.gif (339372 bytes)
Silver and Blue Blimp
vp_blimp_fly.jpg (46333 bytes)
Blue Blimp
blimp2.01.jpg (17084 bytes)
Blue Blimp
blimp1ii.jpg (29154 bytes)
Blue Blimp

"sideway mode"
vp_blimp_fly.jpg (46333 bytes)
eric_blimp2.jpg (21152 bytes)
Eric with Blue Blimp
prop.jpg (1417584 bytes)
Blimp and Cart
blimp_layout.gif (22014 bytes)
Hardware Layout

Hardware Layout







You may view documents and images contained within this www site.  However, you may not copy for profit or publication any of these documents and/or images without prior written permission.  If you find something that you sould like to use, please contatct Eric Paulos for permission.
